Kit Autumn Splendor by Beth Long

Kit maravilhoso da Beth Long já esta a vendo na loja do DSO, o kit contem 12 Papers e 53 Elements, a cor do kit é simplesmente maravilhosa, adora essa tonalidade. A Beth estava iluminada quando fez esse kit, eu amei....
Inspirad no kit Autumn Splendor fiz esta duas páginas.
Credits: DSO, DSB and MSA

Credits: DSO, DSB and MSA.


  1. Hi there Marlene!!! Just popping by to say 'hello.' Hope you're having a great weekend.... I'm home alone while my husband is out watching the 'March Madness' basketball games. LOL! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pages you created with my kit!!!!! They are some of my faves I've seen with it.... thank you!!! {{{HUGS}}} my friend!


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